Sunday, July 1, 2012

A long weekend....

I always wish that the weekends would slow down and this weekend certainly has. The electric went out Friday evening with a massive storm that left thousands on the east coast without power. Trees are down everywhere. Electric is still not on for me, but thankfully we have a generator to run the essentials. And the wonderful electric company is out in front of our house now. Says it should only be 4 more hours!! 
I can't believe the size of the trees the storm brought down. Here are a couple pictures a co-worker shared that is right down the street from him in Beckley, WV.

I can't believe how it tore the ground up! Thankfully all were safe here. I haven't heard of any deaths or injuries.

I dd work on a few things this weekend until the heat was too much that I didn't really feel like moving. Crazy how much we need AC to function. It was a 100 degrees!! And felt much worse indoors than out. 

These are going to be my ring bearer boxes. I have so many nephews I decided to have two ring bearers. After I put the antique varnish on these they looked terrible! So I put more turquoise paint on top and really like the finished look. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Shelley

1 comment:

  1. What a great boxes, they are very beautiful.
    Ans the pictures from that tree are amazing, what a big tree, lucky there where no injuries and deaths. I hope you and your family where safe and that the electra is on again.
    hugs linda
